Victory Fast Days 1 & 2 | Ayuno de Victoria Dias 1 & 2

Week of January 2 to January 7

For this week we are asking you to focus your fast on specific prayer points which involve you personally. We will be fasting and praying to prepare ourselves on a personal level and receive spiritual blessings. Then, for next week we will focus on the church as a whole.

Day 1
 a) prepare our hearts and ask God to guide and strengthen us during this time of fasting.
 b) Read and meditate on Isaiah 58: 6-12 the fast chosen by God
 c) We encourage you to start the YouVersion Bible Reading Plan "30 Day Challenge: A Tour of  Proverbs"

Day 2
 a) Let's take time to examine our hearts and ask God to help us see our brokenness clearly so  that we can confess our sins and repent.

Psalm 19: 12-14

 b) We encourage you to complete Day 2 of the YouVersion Bible Reading Plan, the "30-Day
 Challenge: A Tour of Proverbs."If you missed our zoom meeting yesterday, don’t worry! Email us  at

You can start the fast today.

(By: Jenny Reynoso)